Monday, October 4, 2010

What to say today

Have you ever had one of those days when you look around, thankful for what you have, but at the same time, having your heart wish for something else? Maybe it's just me. I'm so thankful for Felicity, and Chris, our beautiful house, and my awesome garden and neighbors. But there have been times, like today, where I just feel like going out to conquer the next step, to acquire whatever it is that we need or want. I'm not saying that I'm greedy for material things, although I will admit sometimes I am. Today, it was more of a goal rather than something you can buy. Today, what I wanted the most, was to make Felicity laugh.

Seems a rather easy goal. Especially when you know her. She's just like her namesake: Happy. Always has been. She was an easy baby, is a pretty easy toddler too. But today, it seemed like nothing was right. She was cranky when Daddy left for work, she was upset when Mommy had to pee...She screeched bloody murder at the puppy for not bringing back the toy she had thrown for him. I thought I was going to pull my hair out. She didn't want any food, she didn't need a diaper change...I wasn't quite sure what the matter was. Finally, I decided we'd go for a walk. Actually, a ride. Remember my other post of my very, very bad idea? Yes, I did it again. Although this time it went much smoother. I even brought the puppy along. We only almost crashed once! It was an experience. Simon, our eight month old pure-breed Australian shepherd (who looks like a border collie), took to the ride right away. Normally, he barks like mad at passing bikes. But once I got Lissy into her trailer, I leashed up Simon and decided it might be safer to just hold onto the leash, instead of tyeing him to the bike or myself. So off we went. Simon thought it was a blast! He did so well, he only tried to go in front of the bike once, and that was to go see another dog who was running free on the road, but he stopped doing that once I nearly ran him over. From then on, he jogged happily alongside. Our near crash was right before the turn onto Terrace Drive, where my mom and brother live. We were about a hundred feet from the turn, and we had picked up some pretty good speed, so Simon was doing that slow run. He hadn't gotten this much exercise in a while, so I decided to push it. I peddled faster until he was at a full run, and that's the moment that a huge dump truck chose to whiz by going at least 40 (In a 25 zone) only a few feet from us. I could have reached out and touched the side of that stupid truck. Not only did it scare the bajeezus out of me, but out of both Simon and Lissy. Lissy screamed, Simon dodged sideways, ripping the handlebars almost clean out. We all went into the grass, and I was immensely grateful that there was no ditch for a few feet. I slammed my feet down onto the road, Simon's leash had already gone under the front wheel. I fought the speed and Simon's pulling to slow us down, and stopped just before crashing into the guard rail. After a moment of kissing the ground and making sure Lissy and Simon were alright, we slowly made our way down my moms driveway to fetch her sewing machine.

I'm attempting to make curtains...Yeah. I can sew, I can quilt. Never done curtains before, but hey, I figure all I really need to do is some edging work. *Shrug* It shall be a learning process.

Oh! I suppose, since this blog is SUPPOSED to be about my NaNovel...I have finally come up with some names for people and countries. Before everyone get's their panties in a bunch, I'm not actually writing anything, just naming. I'm aloud to brainstorm, dream, and outline to my hearts content, ya know! So here is what I have come up with, please PLEASE comment and let me know what you think. Or if you have any names that you think would work well. I'm always in need of names! :D

Tentative names:
Hero - Elkan
Assassin - Rorik
Princess - Katrianna
Bad King - King Rolmond
Evil Advisor - Ivan
Evil King - Gundtar
Country A - Palonia
Country B - Istanon
Country C - Jalone
Country D - Umbromia
Country E - Essington