Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Twelve days left!

Yikes! The closer we get to starting this next month, the more nervous I become. I'm pretty confidant in myself and my story, but there is always that Inner Editor that is out to get me. Even writing this blog that nobody reads can be tough for me. I'm a huge perfectionist, and if you know who Mark Gunger is and his Flag Page, I am waaay in Perfect Country, with a side of Control Country. 169 and 139, respectively. On top of that, I'm balanced Hard/Soft with 60 and 60. Amazing.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, just go Google "Flag Page Test". That will tell you alll about it.

Anyway. I'm really excited and sort of terrified by this upcoming project. I'm sure it will all be fine, but still...I wish I had a little bit more support.