Monday, October 25, 2010

Pancakes in the Oven

At the amazing suggestion from Jenni, I decided today's topic will be about pancakes. Specifically, pancakes made in the oven. It was a brilliant idea, but I will admit, the execution was not very well thought out.

Alright, so before you all stop reading this, I shall explain. Jenni was our (my brothers and mine) babysitter. I actually can't recall how old we were, but that's beside the point. Suffice it to say that Colin and I fought worse than cats and dogs. More like rabid cats and dogs. Oh the trauma we put our poor Jenni through. I'm actually surprised she has two sons of her own! I would have thought babysitting us horrid little children would have made her swear off all mothering, but, thankfully for Shane, Rylend and Connor, she didn't.

Anyway. When I was young, Matilda was my all time, hands down, favorite movie. Still kind of is, actually. Jenni would be forced to rewind and rewatch that movie for me dozens of times at least. Over and over and over again. {Random thought: Hey Jenni, you can probably recite that movie line for line, huh?} It's an amazing movie. Anyway, there is one scene in the first 1/4 of the movie where Matilda is left home alone on purpose. Her mom goes shopping or something, her dad to work, and her older brother to school. So, she decides to make her own breakfast. (The movie narrator says that she learned to take care of herself from the beginning) She makes pancakes. Well, she takes a big bowl, adds some flour, eggs, and water. Mixes it all up, and cooks them.

Well, since Matilda was my idol, I wanted to do the same thing. I thought I was surprise Jenni by making breakfast for her and Colin. So I did it exactly the way Matilda did. Though I used the oven. I burned those pancakes into little hockey pucks, and (if I remember right) managed to set the fire alarms off and scare the bajesus out of poor Jenni.

I really wish those pancakes would have turned out. Would have been interesting to see what they tasted like. But I don't have Matilda's powers....wouldn't that be cool though? To basically be telekinetic? That's what Matilda is. She is able to do things with her mind, like lift a pitcher of water off a table, close curtains, slam doors...etc. I LOVE the scene where she scares the heck out of Ms. Trunchbull! "This is Magnus. Give my little bumblebee back her house. And her money. If you don't I will get you. I will get you like you got me. That is a promise!"

HA! I still remember that after all these years...Dang. Now I have to go borrow the movie from my mom...