Monday, June 6, 2011


Oh my goodness gracious! I apologize deeply for my abscence. My darling hubby deleted the history from the computer, and I had gotten so used to just clicking on my favorites tab and being taken straight to my Dashboard here, I forgot my password. I couldn't even remember which email I had used to sign up.

But I figured it out! Muwhahaha!

I must say, besides not blogging, I had a fantastic weekend. My friend Larry came up from Texas and we had a blast. This is the third year he's come up to visit, and I can't wait until next time! We went out to the beaches, Chris took him on a hike while I had to be at the theater, he walked around town and window shopped... it was a lot of fun. He took some awesome pictures that I will post on here soon.

Unfortunately, I can't recount the whole weekened for y'all right now. I have a wild and crazy two year old trying to help me type! I do believe it's time for a snack and some Veggie Tales!