Friday, June 24, 2011

Baby Bump Summer

Yes, I am pregnant! No, you cannot touch my belly!

These are the words I lived by during my first pregnancy. It seemed everyone I talked to, or even people that would look over at me and start to walk towards me, I would recite this to them. Some people weren't bothered by my refusal to let them use me as a petting zoo, others didn't take it so well.

Why does the presence of a baby bump turn what would otherwise be considered assault into Rub the Belly time? But I am getting ahead of myself, and slightly off topic. The reason for this awesome posting, instead of bombarding you of pictures I have taken this week, is to announce that I'm expecting!

Yes, I'm pregnant. No, you can't touch my belly.

I found out Monday night after coming home from a spa night with my gal pals. It was almost midnight when I got home, and I had this urge to take a pregnancy test. I was expecting my period on Tuesday, so I had started taking pregnancy tests on Thursday, but even the ones I took on Sunday turned up Negative. Very depressing, especially when you have an ovulation kit and were pretty darn sure that your eggo turned preggo. So Monday, I grabbed a test from the cupboard and I asked my darling hubby if I should take one before I went to bed. He said that if it was negative, I would sleep on it and it wouldn't mess up my whole day in the morning. Since I did have to work and go to play rehearsal on Tuesday, I thought that sounded good. I went into the bathroom, took the test, and left it on the counter while I got into my pjs.

I went to check it and nearly exploded. Two little pink lines. I ran back into the bedroom, flung the test at the hubster and grabbed the box, checking the little pamphlet, making sure that I really wasn't going nuts from wishing. After he confirmed there were two little pink lines, we hugged, I cried, he didn't let me jump up and down with joy…

And after several days, I just can't hold back the knowledge anymore. Even though I know there is still a great chance that we may miscarry this baby, I want people to know, so if that happens, I have support. That was one mistake I made before, not telling anyone. Because I didn't tell, when I did miscarry, I had to explain why I was depressed, and that just made it worse. So now, even if I have to retract this announcement, I know I will be alright. Well, as alright as one can be.

But for now, it's all positive (hehe) thoughts! Hmm… -wanders off on google search of baby names-


KrispiS said...

Congratulations! I agree 100% with announcing early.... although it's painful to miscarry, it's part of the package and you need to share the information so we can support you whichever way it goes. I love you for stepping out and telling us! I'm afraid that many young women think they are all alone with a miscarriage, but need to know that it's more common than we like to believe and there are lots of women for support out there!

Blossoming Gemini said...

Love love love love it!!!! ^.^ <3