Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all of you wonderful fathers out there! We are having a lazy day here in the Schubert household, with a breakfast of bacon, sausage, eggs and toast with a giant mug of coffee for Daddy, followed by good morning kisses from both his girls (Felicity and me), and some cute snuggles from Felicity.

And now that Felicity is down for her nap, Daddy is getting some gaming time on the computer with a new game he bought himself for Father's Day. I've been working on my blog post for the IntelliGender, so it works out great. We are set to have dinner with his folks tonight, which I am hoping will be quiet and fun.

I was planning on making this huge ol' post about the different types of fathers, but I wanted to stay focused on the good dads. There are several types of "dads", those who donate their DNA then run, those who are abusive towards the mothers, and more of that kind of 'dad'.

But today is the day we celebrate and honor the GOOD fathers. The ones who are always there for their children, even if they are separated from the mom, or not. I am very blessed to be married to one of those fathers. Who takes time to play with our daughter even when he's dead tired from work, even when he's grumpy from too little sleep. It's so obvious to anyone watching how much he loves Felicity, and how much she truly loves him.

I am so happy to be able to say that I don't know very many of the bad dads. I do know a few, but they are far outnumbered by the ones who are active in the lives of their children, and for that, I raise a toast! To all of the awesome daddies out there! Happy fathers day!


quilly said...

Elizabeth, this isn't spam. I live here n the island and Wilson knows me. If you are interested in more blogging freebies and making money with your blog, I have some pointers.

Charlene (ask anyone at Criminal Coffee for a character reference)