Monday, November 1, 2010

It has begun!

Well it is now November first, and there is a strange calm before the storm here at my house. I can't start writing until Felicity goes to bed, which leaves me at least three hours of torment.

The silver clouds have rolled over the island and are casting down their buckets of water onto my thirsty and somewhat neglected flowers. Despite it being nine in the morning, it's closer to dawn-light, and gives this morning even more of a stormy outlook. I have yet to read my horoscope or fortune cookie on Facebook this morning, and I'm hoping it's something positive to boost my spirits, get rid of my inner editor for the month, and unleash the thunderous persona of my creativity. I've been doing some writing exercises, trying to work up some creativeness. I would suggest it to others if you ever get stuck. Open up a new word tablet or something, close your eyes, turn your head in circles *chin down, to the right, all the way back, to the left, down* and then stop in whatever pose your in, and open your eyes. The very first thing you see, describe in as much detail as possible. Just look at it, think about what color it is, what sort of shape it is, if it's moving, etc. Don't think about how it sounds, just let your fingers run rampant over the keys. Don't even reread it. Once you feel that flow of writing come back to you, open up your novel or whatever it is that you are working on, and keep going.

Remember, we only have to write 1,667 words a day, and if you give yourself three hours, that means you only have to write 557 words in an hour. That's roughly two paragraphs. Not so bad, right? Right. I know we can do this, and I'm excited to get working on it. Even more excited to finish this!

Now for you lovely persons reading my humble blog, from this point on, I will be posting my daily word count here, along with a little update of how everything is going in my Novel-land, and maybe, if y'all are good, a little snippet of the book. Apart from that, I will still be ranting about daily life, and expect a lot of it tonight and around thanksgiving!

So now for the life part of this blog post. Today is November first, which while that means NaNo has begun, it also means that it is my brother in laws birthday. His 21st. There is a birthday for him tonight at my in-laws house at 6. One problem. At 5:30 I have agility training with Simon, and then at 7 I have auditions for the playwrights festival. Why is it when I want to do something, but have nothing to do, there is nobody doing anything. But once I start filling up my schedule, I become Miss Popular and have more stuff to do than I can manage. And if I don't manage to make an appearance tonight at the party, I know I will be hearing about it in the form of guilt trips all year, until his 22nd. Rawr.