Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I am breaking my blogging schedule to let you in on why I have been absent for the last few days in my blogging. I have the flu. Pretty badly too, and it sucks. Today is the first day I have been able to make it out of my bed for more than the time it takes to hobble to the bathroom. Sickness sucks, and I do very much apologize for this, but I am going to postpone our give-away until the fog in my brain dissipates.

There are some other wonderful blogs that I follow that I most definitely encourage you to check out and follow as well. The first one I want to introduce you to is a blog done by fellow writer and long-time friend, Jenni Merritt. I'm sure I've mentioned her blog around here before, but while I'm not a huge fan of the dark, almost grungy, scheme, it's easy to read and it's set up nicely.

Next is one that I love reading/following. He does a lot of humorous posts, but also some that tackle heavy and deep issues. Dan Pierce, of Single Dad Laughing.

Both are awesome reads and I deeply regret not being able to give my full attention to my blog, but that will come later when I am healthy again! Read, and write, on!