Friday, July 29, 2011

Massive Update

Alright, I know I have neglected both this blog and my other blog, but there have been so many things keeping me away, the biggest one being the hormones currently raging through my body forcing me to be best friends with the toilet. I could also blame the theater, for being just so gosh darn addicting, or my beautiful, wonderful, hilarious daughter who doesn't like me paying attention to anything but her. Unless, of course, she decides she doesn't want my attention. Then I'm just not allowed to act like I'm doing something other than noticing she is giving me the cold shoulder. Aren't toddlers wonderful? [/sarcasm]

Now as for the update, as regarding everything Felicity/Family/Pregnancy. I am, as of right now, 9 weeks and 3 days along. I went off island with two of my best friends Gemma and Coral, to help me corral Felicity around, for my first ultrasound this last Wednesday. We took the 8:10am ferry out of Friday Harbor, got into Anacortes dock about 9:30, and made a bee-line for McDonald's. It's been a VERY long time since any of us have been off island, let alone eaten at a McDonald's, and it's what I was craving. Hot cakes with extra butter, sausage, and hash-browns. Mmmmm. It was amazing, and even Felicity ate. Granted, she ate my sausage and most of my hash-browns, but I did get a couple bites of those in!

After that, we headed for Island Hospital, where we sat around in the waiting room, playing hide and seek with Felicity and the chairs. They took me back to get my weight and blood pressure, and I am very happy to report I am starting to gain weight again! Because of my close relationship with the bathroom for the last several weeks, I lost about 5-6 pounds, dropping me down to 122-123 pounds, depending on which scale you look at. On Wednesday, I was my pre-pregnancy weight (and my happy place weight) of 128 lbs. I'm not overly excited to see that number jump by at least 40 pounds. My blood pressure was fantastic, as it usually is since I have my mothers side of the families blessing/curse of low blood pressure.

Once those little exams were finished, I went back out to wait while the ultrasound room was vacated and prepped for me. Now, I'm going to take a moment and share two of my horrible dreams that I had been having for about a week before this appointment. Some of you may know, that the Fourth of July weekend was stressful. We lost one of our baby kittens and had to bury him, and I bled for four days that weekend. So I was having these dreams that I was going to go in, and be told by my doctor that I wasn't pregnant. Or, I was indeed pregnant, but there was no heartbeat. So walking into the ultrasound room, I was a bundle of nerves. Gemma and Coral came in with Felicity and I, and Felicity was very concerned about Mommy on the table while this strange lady poked her tummy. As Dr. Garde examined my uterus before the ultrasound, she got this little frowny face which immediately sent me into extreme panic mode. She switched on the ultrasound and started looking, while I watched the screen nervously. One little bubble came on, then vanished as she moved around, and then suddenly, there were two babies on the screen!! Dr. Garde said, "Ah. That's why you're measuring large, you're having twins!" I started bawling, which scared Felicity, so she starting crying, which made Gemma and Coral start laughing/crying as they watched the screen. Gemma picked Felicity up and brought her over to me, and she latched onto my hand like a lifeline as I told her "It's OK honey, they're happy tears! It's OK!"

That's right. You read that correctly. Chris and I are expecting TWINS! We don't know yet, and may not know until the gender confirming ultrasound in another 8 weeks, if they are fraternal or identical, but we couldn't be more excited about our double dose of blessing!