Speaking of which, I'm doing the polishing touches on the sound, and after that, Steve is dragging me backstage to work with our backlighting, which I have to say, looks AWESOME even at this stage of rehearsal (Go John!) so I can't imagine how cool it's going to be for performances. May 12th through the 22nd, I believe. You can always go check out the theaters website with times and prices and such here.
As for my other book, I have one last friend I am awaiting for this FINAL editing round. After I get her info back, it's time to plug it into Word, do a final polish myself and it goes off to the agencies that are already wanting to publish it. Boy, are those other agents going to feel silly when my book hits the best-seller list! Which is what I tell myself because it makes it easier to deal with their rejection. I'm just vengeful like that :)

If you remember last Friday's post, about my snippet of "My Angel, My Son", this is what was inspired by it. I wrote "My Angel, My Son" about three years ago, just after Chris and I got married, and it was intended to be put into the county fair we have here, but by the time it was edited and polished the way I wanted, the deadline for entires had already passed. Which sucked, because they don't actively tell you when those deadlines are. {I feel like I have to put a figurative gun to somebodies head to get a real answer.}
Anyway. This story is a drama, heavy on the drama. I debated taking this story out of the running, because with the way I write, it's going to be WAY more than 50k words, and that's how I got stuck with Elkan's book. I completed the challenge of over 50k in 30 days, but because I didn't finish the story, I left still feeling depressed and like a loser, like I hadn't really won. Which is why all of my other stories are simple, to the point dime-novels. But, of course, I can't stop myself and be content, I have to come up with an idea that I love that will stress me out during November.
"Till Death do Us Part" is about a normal, happy family with the American dream, minus the .3 child. A hard working husband, a stay at home mother of two rowdy boys, white picket fence, and a dog. Sounds perfect right? Wrong. The hard working husband is a federal agent assigned a case that reigns destruction down upon his friends and family when his cover is blown by his idiot, and much younger, partner. Fearful for the lives of his family, he fakes his own death with the help of said idiot partner and the FBI, who then relocate him. But he can't stay away. Even under direct orders to stay away from them, he can't. He moves back to the city and basically stalks his wive, watching his family mourn him.
When one of their sons is put into a mental institution, the wife is distraught. Becoming a widow is no easy thing to deal with, even with the government checks and the pension and life insurance, the money doesn't fill the void. Going once a month to the mental hospital takes all of her energy, but that's what it takes. A few weeks after the death of her husband, she begins to feel like she's being watched, and will catch glimpses of a man who looks exactly like her husband. Surely she must be so deep in grief that her mind is playing tricks... Or is she 'catching' her sons illness?
When a badly timed stalk puts dead husband face-to-face with grieving wife, things explode. Literally. Just seconds before a bomb in her car explode, which would have killed her, he saves her. Not knowing what to do, but seeing her dead husband who just saved her own life, she freaks out. But when she goes to the FBI about it, nobody believes her, and calls in specialist after specialist, even going so far as to put her remaining son in the protective custody of his grandparents.
It's the kind of story my dad would love, and that may have inspired some of it, although he was just a police officer instead of an FBI guy. At least when I write this (which I will eventually) I know I will have at least one person who'd buy it! (And read it!!) So that's it for now. I must go eat breakfast, get caught up in Sims Medieval (My very very late birthday present), and then go to tea! I love Wednesday's! Happy Writing!
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