Some of my favorite photo's are of course of my darling daughter. Just the raw happiness in her smile, I love to see it over and over. She's a very serious kid, just like her mama, so those pure smiles are very precious to me, even more so when captured on film. Or, in this day and age, the memory card.
It was brought to my attention that I've been copying blogging days, and because I want this to be something unique to me, and not be compared to another blog, I have switched around my daily topics. Still taking off Tuesday's and Thursday's though (which is really weird to wake up and not have a blog to post that day!). So the new Friday topic, since between my new Assistant Stage Managing jobs at the theater (on top of my sound, lighting, and set crew stuff) and just life in general, I don't have time to sit down and read. I fall into bed and I'm out like a light, no matter how hard I try and stay up to read. Last night Chris had to pull the kindle out from under my head because I'd fallen asleep on it trying to finish a book for Review Friday. I still have a couple chapters left. Oy vey!
I'm not sure what this flower is, but they are growing alllll over on Mt. Young, and they're so cute! This one is actually being held by my darling friend Gemma. The flowers themselves open towards the ground, so you don't see the yellow dots on the inside unless you pick it. They look like little fairy skirts to me, ha!

Another great picture of Felicity. It was actually taken a few days after the above picture, at our house, with my cell phone camera. I am amazed I got this shot, because she had been busy running around the whole house sugared up on strawberries and apples. I had been wearing that hat, and she took it off, then placed it on her own head, which is weird because she normally hates wearing anything on her head. And of course, her velveteen rabbit named "Bunny" is in hand. She has had that little stuffie since she was in the womb. Really. It was a present to me for her from a dear friend, and from the moment she was born that bunny has been with her. It's her version of Linus's blanket. {Hehe. Charlie Brown reference!}
This is my moms dog, Emi. {Em-me} She was actually my dog, but she attached herself to my mom, (and most definitely vice versa) and when I moved away, it was too cruel to even think about taking Emi away from mom. She's about three years old now, and is a 'doodlebug'. 3/4 Boston Terrier, 1/8 Pug, and 1/8 Poodle. One of her favorite things is playing fetch, and if you can see, her legs are soaking wet because she chased the ball into the pond... She's one odd pooch!
The windmill in my mom's front yard. It doesn't work anymore, and used to have Snoopy in his pilots get-up painted on the tail. Mom has a little garden planted around it with these red tulips, lavender (even though she hates the smell of it) and some other flowers. I love this thing, and remember many an adventure centered around it with my brother Colin. Good times, good times.
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