Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunny Sunday

Photo by me. Mt. Young Sunset
Well thank goodness for sunshine! I've been so wrapped up in enjoying it, that I nearly forgot to blog today!

This picture is of the sunset at the (almost) top of Young Hill {known to islanders as Mt. Young} when I went for a fantastic hike with my awesome friend Gemma. We bought enough Chinese food to feed a small army and lugged it up the mountain with my two dogs pulling us along, rarely stopping to smell the beautiful white flowers that were growing on each side of the trail. I swear, there must have been THOUSANDS of these cute little guys. So awesome.

Neither of us had been up there in years, definitely a pre-Felicity trip for me, and we had forgotten just how much of a hike it really is. By the time we reached the first picnic area, we were ready to stop. The sunset was gorgeous, and I have a few pictures that make the sun and clouds look like a PokEmon ball... It really was a lot of fun, and I can't wait until we do it again!

Today, I'm busily weeding my gardens (all seven of them) and deciding on the best approach for our walkway. Cementing the stones, or just weed tarping them and adding sand? Or even a low growing path moss... Anyway, it's yet another one of my summer projects that I can't wait to get started on.

What are some of your summer projects for this year? I'd love to know and compare notes on how to "get er done!"