A while back, I promised you all that I would have a give away when I hit 100 blogging posts. Well, this post is number 91, so I thought that I would release the prize item so you all have a chance to win it. All you have to do is put your name and email down below in the comments, and on post 100, I will draw a name out of my hat to see who get's the prize! I will also take a photo of the name to prove I'm not doing favorites. If you don't follow the blog, but you are my fan on facebook, you can also win through that by writing on my wall with your name and email and telling me that it's to enter into the contest. Yay for prizes!
Now, drum roll please!! *drum roll* The first ever DM give away is.... a hat! Now, that may not sound very cool, but this hat is your own writing hat that I have designed myself. I love hats, even though I don't wear them very often, I have several that I use while writing, editing, and what have you. It's a physical reminder to me that I'm here to write and nothing else, and it helps to keep me grounded in my story (and my chair).

Now on to the real subject matter of this post, pictures!
This one, of course, is my darling daughter. She's just over a year old in this, and I love how intently she is watching her belly!

This is a rose, obviously. Roses are probably my favorite flower ever, period. I have six of them in my garden right now! This one is from my "Mister Lincoln" patch, and it's just too pretty not to share.
This is the cake that I made for the musical I was in two years ago, entitled, "My Fair Lady." Can you tell this was Ascot inspired?
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