Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WiP Wednesday

I am so full of win. This is a win that is so epic, I couldn't find an epic enough picture to show just how epic my win is.

What the heck is going on? You may ask. Well, for those of you that have not been keeping tabs on my Script Frenzy writing stats *tsk tsk!* I have won Script Frenzy. As of yesterday. April 19th, I finished Script Frenzy. Guess how many pages I have? 119. Yep. 119 pages of pure epic awesomeness.

This last week has been full of exhaustion, self-loathing, redbull and monster. But, apparently, also full of pages flying by and my characters writing the story for me. Honestly, I had to go back and read what I had written, because I don't remember what I wrote, and I gotta say, that is pretty epic. I love it when my brain shuts off and the characters guide my fingers across this keyboard and a story evolves. Reading back, it's definitely not what I would have written if my brain had been functioning properly, but hey, it's a story that I am strangely proud to call my own.

Oddly enough, I'm surprised to find that my characters did go all psychotic on the step-mother. I had envisioned her death many many times, because she is just such a... well, a bitch. She turned out meaner than I ever intended, and while in my head I've already casted this play with people I know would fit the parts, and the person I initially casted for the step-mother is actually a very awesome and sweet woman, and is the most amazing actress I've seen, so I knew she could pull off being a little mean. I've seen her be a bitch on stage, and I gotta say, it's scary. So I thought that she'd be great, but with how plain evil this character is, I'm beginning to think that I am going to need some serious depressant pills for her, because I don't think anybody could be this cruel, even in acting.

So that is my WIP. Before I forget, if you haven't checked out my like-able facebook page, I'll give you a cover that I made for a possible 2011 NaNoWriMo project. :)