Yesterday. Heh, I honestly had to look back at my previous post to remember what I did yesterday. Benedryl, you are my sleepy-time friend.

Now, for my update on the script writing. I hit 35 pages! Woop woop! I feel exhausted, really. And a little depressed. Because I know that I will have to go back and take out the flying monkeys and ninja zombies. (Yes, I actually did write them in... Hey, I was drugged on benedryl and it was like, 4am. Gimme a break. Kit Kat is preferable.) If I'm really going to give this to the Theater Director, I know he is going to tell me we can't have green monkey's swinging from the catwalks. As awesome as that would be. But all well, At least I will have my 100 pages, regardless of having to retype the whole bloody thing.
As for today, I hate church. I will not go into detail about why I hate it, or why I hate God's Fan Club. I kinda want to keep y'all around. But, I went, for most of it, for my mother. She deserves me actually doing something she asks me to. I guess. If I have to. Grudgingly. Anyway, after that, I went out to my cousins place to help for a coupla hours, and that was fun. I discovered last week that I actually enjoy laying down hardwood flooring. I think the deal maker for me is getting to take my aggression on the flooring gun... You have this heavy, but small, rubber mallet that you use to whack the black button on the gun that uses pressurized air to blast the nail into the floor. It's awesome. Really really really loud, but awesome. So that's what I did with 3.5 hours of my day today, and now, I am being told that I need to put on real pants (I guess pajama pants don't count as pants anymore...) and get ready to go to a class I have lost interest in. It's not their fault that I've lost interest but... After two weeks of learning stuff that doesn't apply to me, (How to get rid of your debt, and how to deal with creditors and collection people. Neither of which Chris and I have) I'm bored. Last week was funny, I'll admit it, but I don't remember most of it because my brain... well, it became a free spirit, and after 17 minutes, my body was there, but my mind was off doing something more fun.
Goodnight, keep writing, and hopefully tomorrow I will be able to blog about how I've hit the halfway mark in this script frenzy with days until the halfway mark through the month! Wouldn't that be nice?
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