Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Ramble

Today is an exciting day for me. Not because I'm actually doing anything, but this is my 75th post here. It doesn't seem like I've written that many posts and the time has just flown by. So while I was debating on which thing to post for today, since I couldn't decide between the first thing I thought about this morning (sleep) and the first thing I read (Jenni's Give-Away), I started poking around my own blog for some of my stats, and that's where I found out that today is 75 posts.

Since the most common give-aways take place around 100 posts, or 100 followers, I thought it would be a great way to celebrate my 100th post. I already have an idea of what to send to the lucky winner, but you will just have to wait until a little later to find out what!

If I did my counting skills properly, my 100th post will take place on the 23rd of May, which awesomely, happens to be another Monday! You know, I'm actually starting to like Monday's now... Sorry Garfield! I will formally announce the giveaway, with a few more details, in a while. I'm thinkin' the 85th post. So for now, tell all your friends to watch my blog for little details! I may just let some things slip between now and then!