Friday, June 10, 2011

Photography Fridays

Oh the gloriousness that is photography. Whether you use a classic camera such as this one, or one of the uber professional ones, taking pictures and saving memories is just… awesome.

There is really no other hobby I love more than writing, but photography and music are vying for second place in my heart. I love taking those candid shots at family reunions, or everyday pictures of my darling daughter and other fluffy four-legged children, but the part I love most is going out into the woods around my mom's house and just… listening.

The beautiful silence of when you first arrive, and then the longer you sit there, you start hearing the chirping birds again, crickets and frogs start up their band, deer walking gracefully through the trees followed by not so graceful fawns. I'm very hard pressed as to choose which part of day is my favorite for picture taking, because there are wonderful things about each time, and of course, not so wonderful things. It's very hard to take night shots without a tripod…

This shot wasn't taken by me, it was actually taken by one of my best friends in the world (literally). He's from Texas, and he comes up to visit once a year. This past weekend was, I believe, his fourth visit up here, and we had a blast, like always.

The hat that the way too cute Felicity is wearing is from when I was in "My Fair Lady" at the theater. It no longer, sadly, has the fluff and feathers that it did for the show, but I still have the hat as a reminder. Both Felicity and I love that hat, but I do think that she looks much better with it than I do, but that's just a mothers bias I think. -wink-

Another great shot of Felicity hiding under the coffee table. I'm not entirely sure why she likes it so much, but peek-a-boo has always been one of her favorite games to play. I'm hoping that someday soon it will evolve into hide-and-seek, because that is one of my favorite games ever. Especially to play with children. It's just too much fun! Even though our house is small, we have a lot of places to hide, surprisingly enough, so it will be great fun when that turns into a game.

I think the biggest game of hide-and-seek I've done, is with the kids here at Genesis, an after school club for elementary aged kids, and we had probably twenty or so participants. Now, this club took place in the presbyterian church, and that is not a small church by any means. LOTS of places for cunning 6-10 year olds to hide!

This is on our way to the beach, and Felicity was playing with a pair of sunglasses. Uber cute right? It got so much cuter when she actually put them on, and then struck a pose. The only thing that would have topped that, is if she had been wearing the My Fair Lady hat. That would have just been too gosh darn cute.

This is me and Felicity at False Bay, we're about half-way out, and yes, it really is THAT BIG. HUGE area. It's called false bay because it really is this large bay where all the water flows out at low tide and leaves behind this awesome sand and tide pools that get really warm in the sun. It's a lot of fun to play out there, and we ended up going there twice with Larry and Chris. We even took the dogs out there, and boy, THAT is entertaining to watch.

This is one of the very few pictures of myself that I actually like, but boy, I am so glad that I tan (and tan only) quickly! I look just… white!

Last picture, I promise. We're at South Beach now, and those aren't my feet.

Felicity used to strike that same pose when she was an infant, usually in her sleep. At the time, Chris and I played a lot of Overlord, and we were struck by how similar the poses were. So, we started saying that this is her pose for summoning her minions. I.E. Mom and Dad. I don't think she quite has that figured out yet, but it's cute nonetheless!