Monday, June 27, 2011


This little girl is showing exactly how I feel right now. I've said before that my friends and I get together every Wednesday for fun, Wii dancing and tea. Well, we have had to cancel this week because Coral has caught pink eye. I can't remember if I have ever had it, probably in my younger years, but I've heard that it sucks. Like, epically so.

After googling it and reading up on it on WebMD, I was annoyed at how little the scientific world actually knows about it. So this morning I called my aunt, who is a nurse at my uncles (who's a doctor) office, and asked her what the probability of Felicity catching it on Wednesday is. She asked if Coral was on antibiotics, and I told her no. She did one of those "ah" sounds that I have come to always associate with bad news. And bad news came. Because she's not on antibiotics, it's a viral infection that is contagious until all of the gross stuff goes away, which could take up to two weeks.

Because it's viral, it is contagious through the air and not just by touching like bacterial pink eye is, which means Gemma, Felicity and I have a high probability of catching it if we had our Wii Tea day. My aunt went on to tell me that it has the potential to be very bad for me, if I were to catch it. Because, as a freshly preggo woman, my immune system is already down, and since I already have difficulty keeping pregnancies, the virus could either mess up the pregnancy, or just make it go away. That in itself was enough to make me want to paint a big ol' red X on my door and put Felicity and I in a plastic bubble.

It's much more depressing than that even, because this was our first scavenger hunt Wednesday too. I've never hosted one before, and even though I've participated in them, never done one myself. So this Wednesday, since it's at my house this week, that's what we were going to do. I have the clues all written, a bit of money set aside for treats and the grand prize, but we've had to cancel it until next week, or maybe even the week after that. The wind has been taken out from my sail, and I really really hope that Coral gets better soon!

Aside from that morning sadness, the potluck yesterday was awesome. Lots of cool people, including a fellow Lion ( who finally got to meet Chris and Felicity), were there. Jane has an amazing house with this awesome lawn that we played around on with Felicity and another little girl Siri. It was a lot of fun, and everyone enjoyed my pasta salad, which is awesome, but not. Awesome that they liked it, but they ate so much of it there's not a lot of leftovers for us! Hehehe.

And after several nights off from the play (which feels really weird…) it's back to the grindstone tonight as we focus on our two main characters, Moon and Birdboot. It will be very interesting to see how they are doing, especially after them each getting vocal and accent training from Deb. It will be a lot of fun I think, and I'm looking forward to a long night of rehearsal.

My final thing to share, is just to remind all of my readers, if you are interested, my guest blog post will be going up on IntelliGenders site this Thursday. I'm hoping you all like it, but please note that my subject is not an easy one to read, let alone write. I'm writing on my experiences with miscarriage, and while I very very much wish that women who read it will understand they aren't alone in this depressing emotional struggle, this is a piece of my story and not by any means typical. Also on the IntelliGender note, I received my complimentary test from them yesterday! I'm so very excited to try it and see if the old wives tales, and the chinese birth chart, are correct. It will be fun, and I have about four weeks left until I can try it. It's always so hard to wait for exciting things to happen!

Keeping writing, waiting, smiling, laughing, and sometimes if you need to, crying. But always keep loving! Happy Monday all :)