Wednesday, October 12, 2011

19 days until the grand opening of NaNoWriMo 2011!

It doesn't seem like it's been an entire year since I first signed up for this odd writing frenzy, but then, at the same time, it seems like November has taken forever to get here. Perhaps it's because I competed, and won, Script Frenzy this past april, with 119 pages. Or maybe it's because I spent most of the year dwelling on my previous NaNo book. Either way, it's almost time again, and I couldn't be more excited or nervous.

Unlike last year, I will be doing everything via my Mac, instead of stealing Chris's PC. So doing it only on a laptop will be a change in itself, but I will also be on bed rest. I know I said I wouldn't talk much about my pregnancy on this blog, since this is my writing blog, but hey, pregnancy kind of overlaps everything else in life.

In a way, being on bed rest gives me an excuse to constantly write, whenever I want, without having other distractions get to me. None of the 'I think I'll go for a walk…' or 'I can put off writing for a few hours to go to lunch…' because I won't be allowed to do those things. I think the hardest part will be keeping my toddler entertained, and keeping myself away from hulu and facebook. I may even have to have Chris set up a secret password so I can't get online until he connects it for me, and only after I've completed my daily word count. This will certainly be an interesting, but hella fun year!

Right now, I'm waiting on the new NaNo site to finish the final touches so I can add my writing buddies, get my word count widget on my dashboard, and a few other fun things I like to have around. I've completed my rough synopsis, which I will share with you, filled out my novel and author information, and have made it about halfway through my rough sketch of what the book will look like. I've got timelines, fashion timelines, even some random information about logging before there were chainsaws and heavy machinery! I am certainly excited about how much research will be going into this novel (yes, I'm a researching nerd. I love it!) and am finally starting to feel as pumped about writing this as before. I hope this feeling sticks around!

Now… just to find a new shoe box to keep my inner editor in…. Last years got pretty torn up! :D