Eleven things I don't need in 2011. Well, the simplest thing would be to make a list, so here goes.
- I don't need criticism. I don't know how to get rid of them, considering the people who give it to me the most are related to me. Can't really get rid of family, but I guess I can stop taking what they say as personally as I have been. This will change my life because I may actually start to accumulate self confidence and do things that I've been told I would never do.
- I don't need stress. I can get rid of this by stepping out of situations that others have put me in, like being a peace keeper and a go-between. It's not my job, and even though that's a hard thing for me to admit, it's not healthy for me or my own family. Having less stress in my life will change it because I will have more energy to do things that I want to, and I will have more patience when it comes to training Simon or when Lissy decides to push the boundaries.
- I don't need more things to do. I have a long enough To-Do list as it is, and while I enjoy most of my activities, I really don't need to take more time away from Chris and Felicity. Having the courage to politely refuse things that would take a great deal of time. This will change things because I'll be able to reconnect with Chris again, and have more time to play with Felicity.
- I don't need pity parties. While most of the time I'm not prone to having these myself, I will admit to throwing several this past year. Not something I like to admit, but hey, sometimes it helps when your overwhelmed.
- I don't need drama. Kind of the same thing as stress.
- I don't need more cleaning! I know it's inevitable, especially when you have children, but c'mon! It seems like I clean, and then I blink and it's dirty again!
- I don't need more coffee. I enjoy the smell of it, and even though I need the energy, it just plain makes me jumpy!
- I don't need another scary pregnancy. No, Chris and I are not pregnant. Yet. We are, however, planning on trying to conceive around May. I know it's something we can't completely control, but as scary as my pregnancy was with Felicity at the end, I don't want that to happen again.
- I don't need more clothes. God knows how many I have, and most of them don't even fit. I keep putting off going through them, because I hate doing laundry, and I know that I will have sooo many loads of clothes to wash in order for the ones I don't want to be good enough to take to the thrift store... It'd be an all week chore, and I'm just not up for that. Heh.
- I don't need more friends on facebook. There are people I don't even know adding me! With NO mutual friends! Facebook is quickly turning into a myspace, and that's just plain annoying.
- I don't need more of these lists. I usually love lists, they're organized, and it's great for people from Perfect Country like I am. (If you don't know what I'm talking about when I say Perfect Country, google 'the flag page test')
Tah dah. Day Eleven complete. Now if only I could get some writing in, I'd be set, but alas, I am in a rut and out of energy. I don't think my wrists have completely recovered yet anyway!
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